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We never know who we reach or how profound what we did or said may be. We may feel futile in our efforts but we never know the fruits of our actions until after the fact. Milky Way Galaxy; a tautologymilky way milkyGalatea; she who is milk whiteNow we, brethren, as Isaac was are the children ep of angelos. Galatians 4:28Strongs Greek 1860, 1861, 32lease stop with the God talk and the Bible verses. They do us no good. My God my God, why has thou forsaken me! Well, is Jesus talking to Himself on the cross?It makes no sense. If Jesus was God He could jump off that cross and end the pain immediately. Bible thumpers drive me nuts. If the rest of the Bible is dribble then obviously its a massive distraction of irrelevant context and consequences youd rather ignore. Its akin to marveling at a tower and ignoring the historical, cultural, and early moral foundation it sits upon while showing little respect for the builders. Yeah, I meant drivel, these spell checkers.

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For this reason we have found that many architectures behave more "nicely" if we serialize even the single socket case. So this is actually the default in almost all cases. Crude experiments under Linux 2. 0. 30 on a dual Pentium pro 166 w/128Mb RAM have shown that the serialization of the single socket case causes less than a 3% decrease in requests per second over unserialized single socket. But unserialized single socket showed an extra 100ms latency on each request.

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org platform is the most prominant example of a crodwfunding, or more specific peer to peer funding business model. Kiva allows lenders from all over the world to invest $25 or more to specific entrepreneurs all over the world. This significantly increases the pool of capital available to people in need. At the same time lenders have the option to contribute directly to specific opportunities in a simple and low cost manner. The money of the lenders is sent via the platform the the MFIs who are in contact with the the entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurs repay the loan with interest to the MFI. The MFI can keep the interest to pay for its operating expenses and the lender receives back it loan at 0% interest. Kiva ChallengeWhereas in the traditional business model the MFI decided which entrepreneur would receive a loan, in the Kiva model the lenders on the platform make this decision. This comes with the challenge that the MFI on the ground has more information about the characteristics of the entrepreneur than the lender behind his computer. Hence, crodwfunding increases theAsymmetric information is increased in the context of crowdfunding. This is where the research of Moss, Neubam and Meyskens 2015 comes in play.

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This article will help you understand the positive and negative effects of video games on young minds. The Mario franchise is one of the best selling video games ever, having sold more than 210 million units worldwide and the character Mario has appeared in more than 200 games. Today, about two thirds of US population plays video games. These games were first introduced in the 1970s and have now become an invariable source of fun, learning, and entertainment for children and adults alike. You will find Nintendo, PlayStation, or Wii U in almost every home, with multiple video game genres categorized under action, adventure, role play, sports, general entertainment, adult, and educational games. Would you like to write for us?Well, we're looking for good writers who want to spread the word. Get in touch with us and we'll talk. Problems like excessive worry, anxiety, or depression create a chaotic situation in the brain; it hampers its working power, reasoning ability, and execution of conventional tasks becomes difficult. It happens because of reduced levels of serotonin. Fifty million brain cells are affected by the levels of serotonin. Music effects a steep rise in the levels of serotonin, which has positive influences on brain cells controlling mood.

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7314. As the 99%, they were open about their personal lives, and used examples of what they were going through to explain their frustration about a jobless market. In an NPR article, Jeffrey Sachs said,It means that for the typical young person right now who is a high school graduate but on average will not get a Bachelors degree life is extremely challenging to find a foothold with a stable job, with an opportunity to have a reliable income, health and other benefits, and a chance to have the kind of middle class life that we once took for granted. The high school graduate hes describing would be part of the 99% because of the degree of difficulty of actually getting a job. Without a job there is no income, and without a decent job it is likely one would struggle financially, therefore, being part of the 99%. This excerpt reveals how challenging it is to find a job in our society today. We believe Sachs is summing up the nature of our economy and the bleak outlook of our future. By looking at the context in these excerpts we were able to find commonalities. For example:With debt, with joblessness, with living at home with our parents well into our mid 20s, being told that were likely to be less better off than our parents, there is a great deal of frustration there. Both excerpts deal with the individuals views on the job market and how difficult it is to find a good job, or even a job at all. This excerpt shows us that there seems to be no hope again, dealing with a bleak future.

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