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1In the Secretary Generals absence or otherwise at the Secretary Generals request, the Deputy Secretary General and/or the General Counsel shall have the authority to refer matters to the Court, confirm arbitrators, certify true copies of awards and request the payment of a provisional advance, respectively provided for in Articles 63, 132, 35 2 and 371 of the Rules, as well as to take the measure provided for in Article 376. 2The Secretariat may, with the approval of the Court, issue notes and other documents for the information of the parties and the arbitrators, or as necessary for the proper conduct of the arbitral proceedings. 3Offices of the Secretariat may be established outside the headquarters of the ICC. The Secretariat shall keep a list of offices designated by the Secretary General. Requests for Arbitration may be submitted to the Secretariat at any of its offices, and the Secretariats functions under the Rules may be carried out from any of its offices, as instructed by the Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General or General Counsel. When the Court scrutinizes draft awards in accordance with Article 34 of the Rules, it considers, to the extent practicable, the requirements of mandatory law at the place of the arbitration. 1Each request to commence an arbitration pursuant to the Rules must be accompanied by a filing fee of US$ 5,000. Such payment is non refundable and shall be credited to the claimants portion of the advance on costs. 2The provisional advance fixed by the Secretary General according to Article 371 of the Rules shall normally not exceed the amount obtained by adding together the ICC administrative expenses, the minimum of the fees as set out in the scale hereinafter based upon the amount of the claim and the expected reimbursable expenses of the arbitral tribunal incurred with respect to the drafting of the Terms of Reference or the holding of the case management conference. If such amount is not quantified, the provisional advance shall be fixed at the discretion of the Secretary General. Payment by the claimant shall be credited to its share of the advance on costs fixed by the Court.

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Un saluto Marcella e buona domenica sera!Arrivo proprio alla ricetta giusto io adoro le patate. be meno le acciughe potrei pure non metterle!Arrivo qui dal blog di Riri che molto gentilmente mi hasuggerito di porre a te un mio quesito culinario. Ho fatto una torta nel forno al microonde, il mio ragazzo solo quello ha in casa, la cottura c'era tutta, ha lievitato pure perch il volume aumentato, ma rimasta chiara e per nulla croccante!Il sapore non era male ma nulla a che vedere con quel leggermente croccantino dorato della cottura al forno!Esistono prodotti specifici per ottenere un effetto migliore nel forno a microonde?Grazie fin d'ora per l'attenzione, buona serataMarcella, le crocchette di patate sono la mia passione,le patate mi piacciono in tutte le salse. grazie e buona giornata. Ri grazie per la ricetta l'ho provata oggi, con la variante senza acciuga: mi piaccino, solo che mi sa dovrei aggiungere pi formaggio, io lo adoro!CiaoTu mi prendi per la gola!Ieri ricominciata l'ordalia della dieta. posso ripassare dopo?oioisantamammadeifelini, che fame mi venuta!nasinasiSono buonissime, noi qui a Siracusa le chiamiamo crocchette e non ci mettimao l'acciuga. Per sono ugualmente squisite. Ciao Mariellawhats up everyone just signed up and wanted to say hello while I read through the postshopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read. It' s the first time I have heard that in Macedonia, obits are an unusual observe. You have wonderfully written the post. I have liked your way of writing this.

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Out of empathy comes caring, consideration, compassion and even remorse if you are unable to think how your actions might hurt another person, how can you possibly feel bad for what you have done?. Some people purposely try to turn off empathy to eliminate getting hurt and others are not stimulated to create the brain pathways for empathy in the first place. We want our children to care about others. Seeing only your own perspective makes you more self centered and selfish and less likely to take responsibility for your actions. People who understand how their actions affect others are likely to choose more appropriate behavior, show better judgment, and repair rifts in their relationships with others. Lacking empathy, people act only out of self interest, without regard for the well being or feelings of others. The absence of empathy fosters antisocial behavior, cold blooded murder, genocide. Research suggests that empathy may be an innate human characteristic. We just can't help it; our hearts go out to those who are suffering. However, some say that the amount of compassion we're born with is not all we can achieve. Psychologists say that it's possible to cultivate children's natural empathetic tendencies, reports theNew York Times.

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, Sang,Q. A. , Zhu, C. 2002 Identification and specific expression of matrixmetalloproteinase 26 in rhesus monkey endometrium during early pregnancy. Mol. Hum. Reprod. 8, 934 940. H. I. Park, B.

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